Since 2009

Legal Experts
The Inception
In 2009, the Jurisconsults & Legal Solutions (JLS) started its journey while the scope of this law firm was limited to providing legal solutions to corporate clients. Over the years, the firm has grown in terms of its scope, size and shape.
A Multidisciplinary Firm
The JLS today is a multi-disciplinary Law Firm and it has a good team of competent lawyers to serve clients through multi-disciplinary practice. The legal division of the firm is divided into two departments: Corporate law & Litigation matters.
Each division of the firm provides legal solutions, and opinions on all matters of law and represents individuals and corporate clients in such matters of law as they require. The JLS is now accommodated in a large and well-decorated office with all necessary up-to-date facilities.
Dynamic Service Area
Over the years we have maintained our commitments to our clients and have built a reputation for our expertise, specialized solutions and the ability to provide prompt services to our clients. We are inclined to find the most relevant and suitable solutions to tackle the legal hurdles of our clients.

About us
Our Vision
To provide affordable legal access and solutions to clients of every category around the world in the form of multi-discipline practices.

Our Mission
To be one of the leading law firms of multi-discipline practices in Bangladesh within the next five years time frame.